nurturing thursdays: loving is…living

You might wonder why my limited writings of late have been as entries on blogger Becca Given’sNurturing Thursdays.

Two reasons.

Thursdays suit me well. Having run errands and done chores earlier in the week, I reward myself with a short stint at my laptop doing what I do for sheer pleasure…writing.

More importantly, however, is Becca’s invitation to share words that help us feel good about ourselves. God bless her for giving contributors a platform which encourages us to have compassion for ourselves and others.

While other writers contribute more regularly, I’m grateful that my entries are accepted when I am able to snatch a few moments here and there. Perhaps if I limited myself to a few inspirational words, I’d do better. And yet, I can only think to share a little slice of my own life. If it inspires then I am blest. Mostly though, it’s just me trying to figure out…life.

The passing of my beloved Mocha recently coincided with my husband’s casual announcement that he was retiring sooner than expected. Instead of 2016, his last workday will be January…2015!

After the dust settled in my brain, gone musty as an empty-nester these last 12 years, I listened as hubby revealed the whys, hows, and wherefores of what had transpired. Suffice it to say, he’s come out on top. Although retired, he’ll continue as a consultant for another year.

All I’ve ever wanted of my marriage since day one…was my husband.

IMG_4079I’ve waited 44 years to spend more than a few hours a week with my best friend in the whole, wide world. I’ve only had a taste of what his coworkers have always shared with me when we’ve met at office functions.

Among the many compliments were my husband’s fairness…his calm in the midst of turmoil…his patience…his generosity in sharing the limelight…his integrity…his humility…his willingness to mentor others…his loyalty and dedication…his work ethic…his tireless efforts in always seeking the truth…and his willingness to go the extra mile on behalf of others.

Yes. My husband’s a saint. I called him that once when we were first married. His retort was that it was an unkind remark. Only my husband would take offense at being held up on a pedestal.

My husband loved our little Mocha as much as I did. He wasn’t as demonstrative toward her as I was, not given to hugging and smooshing ad nauseum like me. Nonetheless, Mocha always knew she could depend upon him for a walk anytime of the day or night. With me, there could be resistance depending upon the weather and what hour of the night it was. My arthritis doesn’t do well in the wet and cold, and I’m deathly afraid of encountering a bear or cougar in the dark.

IMG_2145When Mocha left us I couldn’t help but feel she did so knowing my husband and I would have more time for one another…one less family member who needed our care and attention. Especially with all she required the last months of her life. Feline siblings, Sitka and Juneau, are now happy to get more cuddle time with me. Although I think they miss their little pal as well.IMG_4810

In reflecting upon Mocha’s life and my husband’s retirement, I couldn’t help but think that those we love the most live on through us who remain. We are their legacy. We continue to tell their story long after their physical presence is gone. We attest to their having been here.

Sad then, those who die unloved.

Who will speak of them? Who will testify to what they did…their dreams…their passions…their accomplishments…their failures? Who will say “We played softball together on the weekends.” Or “She loved doing things with her children.”

Perhaps when we care for others we, in some small way, acknowledge their reality. They live because we think about them…even if only for a moment. All those with whom we engage as we go about our daily lives…the waiter…the supermarket cashier…the dry cleaning clerk…the pet groomer…the landscape worker…our furry family members.

We matter to others. Probably more than we know.

Mocha’s still with me as I go about my day. Reminding me that as long as we’re here, she’ll be with hubby and me…

…enjoying our retirement years.


(Enjoy other inspirational writers at                                                                                                                                            


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13 thoughts on “nurturing thursdays: loving is…living

  1. hugmamma….are we married to the same man????? Your husband sounds sooooo much like my husband!
    And Mocha?… here’s what I realized as I was missing Nali, our very, very beloved dog-precious friend who died in June, 2013…. “Just as I offered love/kindness/appreciation/care to Nali, so can I offered those to others……….”

    Inspiration…. “just as I offered love to one beloved friend, so can I continue to offer love to others”

    Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving, hugmamma…. warmly, Kathy

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so behind in replying to comments. However you know I treasure your generous words…always. And I wouldn’t be surprised if we were married to twins. I’m glad to know there are other great men running around this world. 🙂


  2. Hi hugmammas, hug to you! I’m so sorry to hear about Mocha, a friend that was always ready for you, I’m sure she is and will be always by your side. Your love for your hubby is really beautiful like the love of my parents, so big and plenty, a love that will never end, soul love! Have a great Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a beautiful tribute to your loving partner. Like you, I am blessed with an amazing husband also.
    It sounds like you are transitioning into a different phase of your life. I hear your openness to change and your love for life. Have fun and enjoy it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Nurture Yourself – Believe |

  5. Lovely post. Wonderful that your husband is retiring and you have many great years ahead. I wish my husband would cut back some on his work– it takes a lot out of him. Never any need to apologize about lack of blogging– no one is judging! I too go in spurts, it seems sometimes I post every week, and then others not even once a month. I sometimes can’t find ideas. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

    • So overdue in replying. I have to pinch myself every day since my husband retired last Friday. I’m absolutely thrilled to spend more time with him. We’re more in sync than ever…doing things around the house and yard…running errands together…seeing the occasional movie. I know how you feel re your husband and work. My husband was exactly the same way.

      And hugs for affirming that it’s okay to blog when I can. Although now that I’m penning my sister-in-law’s journey, I’m trying to post regularly.

      Again, so sorry for the lateness. hugs and hugs…


hugs for sharing some brief thoughts...and keeping them positive