friday fictioneers: dulls-ville

Kitchen Window

Some days I’m so bored I feel like running off with the first guy who shows up at the door. And yet that mightn’t get me any further if he’s the milkman, since he lives a couple of streets away.

The same boring routine, day in, day out. Get up. Get the coffee going. Yell up the stairs to wake everyone up. Fry up some bacon and eggs. Slather up some PB and J sandwiches to go. Chug-a-lug breakfast. Hurry everyone out the door.

Watch some TV. Read a little. Eat a lot. Nap.

OMG! Half-an-hour ’til they’re home!


(Note: Enjoy more 100-word stories  based on the photo prompt at…



12 thoughts on “friday fictioneers: dulls-ville

    • In the good ole’ days that use to be the joke…running off with the milkman. Truth be told…my mom had a thing with ours. She was a widow; he was married. Not happily, I gather. I don’t know. I was only a kid at the time.


hugs for sharing some brief thoughts...and keeping them positive