nurturing thursdays: powerful words…

A few things in historical documentarian Ken Burns’ speech to Stanford University’s 2016 graduating class, continues to resonate with me. He said…to educate all of our parts…to make babies…and that the arts make our country worth defending. 

To educate all of our parts.

I always tell my daughter “Being fully informed makes your decision, whatever it is, an educated guess. Whatever the outcome, you know you did all you could to make the best choice you possibly could in the moment.” Because she was a blessing, my only child after 16 years of hoping I would one day become a mother, I live with the thought that she could be gone in the blink of an eye. With the hateful rhetoric inciting Trump supporters to take America back to a darker time when the world was white and black, I worry as I see other mothers lose their children to gun violence.

An adult and wife at 30, I can no longer stand between my daughter and the world. And yet I know I have armed her with a clear vision of the real world ever since she was a youngster. Unlike a friend who felt her son at age 5 was too young for the truth, I felt my daughter was not too young to learn the facts of life. In doing so, however, I always followed the truth with positive words reinforcing hope, not negative resignation.

To make babies.

Not until you have a child, can you understand what it is to lose a child. Not until you lose a child, can you understand a mother’s desire not to go on living afterwards. I hope, as parents the world over do, that my daughter outlives me by decades.

The arts make our country worth defending.

Supporting my daughter in her desire to dance professionally will always be something of which I am proudest. It was not an easy path; neither was it a lucrative one. My daughter said, when featured in Discount Dance Supply Magazine at age 16…

Dancing is a gift that I would like to share with the world.

The greatest satisfaction is knowing when my performance has touched or moved someone.

She may not have secured millions as a professional athlete, but my daughter garnered millions in spiritual wealth. If she were taken by an act of violence tomorrow, my daughter can return to Our Father having lived a Christ-like life. And if I were to die first, I would do so knowing that I have been…

…a mother in Mary’s footsteps.


(Note: Click on the following link for more inspirational posts…


8 thoughts on “nurturing thursdays: powerful words…

  1. Pingback: Nurt Thurs – The Future | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  2. I love this post! My journey to motherhood was difficult (3 miscarriages and a stillbirth), but once the doctors figured out the problem, they helped us to two beautiful, healthy children – a son and a daughter…
    Both our kids are pursuing their dreams – Son enters his final year at university in September, as Daughter embarks on her first year – and we enter empty-nestdom…
    I know it’s a cliche, but our children ARE our future, in this generation and hopefully many more to come 🙂 x

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  3. Lovely post, Hugmamma. When our daughter wanted to become an actor we supported her also. What she gave up in high earnings she’s gained in delight and satisfaction in entertaining. It’s so important to love what you do for a living. 🙂 — Suzanne

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hugs for sharing some brief thoughts...and keeping them positive