friday fictioneers: homeless

copyright -Janet Webb


Marnie loved waking up to beds squeaking, feet shuffling quietly, voices whispering. She found comfort in the morning ritual. 

As she wiped the sleep from her eyes, Marnie surveyed her family, a motley group of folks whose upended lives brought them together.

Under the same roof, individuals coalesced.

Working in harmony, beds were made, breakfast prepared, children dressed and readied for school.

Hopes high, the adults scattered in search of work to help sustain their loved ones and their community.

For little Marnie, homeless meant sharing. A small sacrifice, she felt, for the love bestowed by…her extended family.


34 thoughts on “friday fictioneers: homeless

    • Volunteering to make something and help serve it along with other homemade goodies at our local community center was an eye opener. Those who stop in not only welcome the homecooked meal, but also the conversation and camaraderie. My husband, daughter, and I agreed that we’d learned something from these folks…without all the material trappings, they have only themselves to offer. Rather humbling…


      • How inspirational. Thank you for sharing that with me. We all get so tied in the material we forget almost what it’s like just to converse with each other! It can definitely be a trap where you feel stuck, working just to support it all. Then what is the point of having all that stuff?


    • Wow! Thanks for the accolade. I’m really touched. I’m still finding my way into the world of writers. I think my writing is fine, but that’s just me. So, thanks…a lot. 🙂


  1. It’s so much fun to see people I know from other internet venues showing up here. Good for your family for volunteering. I think if everyone chose something about which they were passionate and put themselves into it, we’d be much better off. Our church supports a ministry for the homeless and less fortunate, too. Since we’re fairly new (I’ve just gotten permanently moved in the last few months), I don’t know all the ministries and am waiting to see what besides praise team will be the area I move into.



    • Good for you for jumping right into volunteering. It does take a little bit to figure out what fits you best. It took us a little while to find the community center meals. It hadn’t been widely publicized. At the moment we’re looking for another venture since there are so many now involved with serving at the center. All the best to you as you settle in… 🙂


    • Homelessness is very real in today’s current economic climate. My family and I try to do what we can to make it easier for the less fortunate. hugs for your comment, Rochelle.


  2. Nicely done. I worked in shelters (domestic violence) for years and always found it more a community than people think. It’s not the institutionalized setting most people visualize. Most shelters are actually very homey.


    • I agree. My husband had volunteered at a shelter where he and another man from our church stayed overnight. They oversaw the comings and goings. In the morning they helped prepare breakfast, clean up, and so on. My husband found it enlightening and rewarding. Recently we have helped serve meals we and others have prepared to feed whomever shows up at the community center. Those who stop by for food and conversation are folks like the rest of us, whether they’re seniors on fixed incomes, struggling young families, teens on their own, or those with or without shelter in need of a meal. My husband, daughter and I feel blest to touch their lives.


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