why blog?

So many have taken to blogging like me. I’m sure we all share many reasons in common for journaling on the internet. And yet I’m sure we each have additional ones that are unique, prompted by our own experiences, past, present, and future. There are fleeting moments when I’m reminded of why I blog. I thought I’d sort out my reasons here and now, rather than have them floating around in my head, popping up willy-nilly.

  • Topping the list is the fact that I’m a walking encyclopedia of life’s minutiae. Having an outlet is heaven sent for me and my family.
  • My passion for writing is satisfied.
  • The opportunity to practice writing daily is invaluable. One day I might write to be published. Never say never.
  • Bypassing the “middleman”, i.e. agent, publisher, to have my writing read is instantly gratifying.
  • Choosing subject matter without pressure from outsiders is a luxury I enjoy.
  • Being back in touch with relatives and friends after a long absence is a gift I didn’t expect. They’re becoming reacquainted with who I am at 61.
  • For those who know me, regular journaling is like a Christmas letter they can read all-year-round. It might simplify card writing during the busy holiday season, so I’ll have a head-start.
  •  It’s my hope that I can be one voice for compassion and positive energy in what is becoming a hostile, negative environment.
  • I share my experiences as a child and a parent, knowing we all struggle to do our best, given our personal “baggage” of hurts and disappointments.
  • I offer humor about my marriage, because laughter is an essential element toward its success. I know my husband agrees.
  • I pass along tips, recipes, information in the hopes they might be of help to someone.
  • It’s likely that I’ll be affected by Alzheimer’s because my mom died suffering its effects, along with other major illnesses. Until then I’d like to use the time I have left of my cognitive ability, to do what good I can. If I lighten one person’s load each day, I will have led my best life.
  • And finally, my blog will remind my daughter of who I am, when I no longer am.

live life large, in the moment…hugmamma. (Have inserted this as a post, since a viewer was unable to open it as a “page” featured at the top of the blog, beneath the header HUGMAMMA’S ATTENTION TO DETAIL. Perhaps others had the same difficulty.)

another book suggestion

More wonderful readers suggesting I’m a “blooming author in their midst”, and “a writer, not a blogger, needing to publish a book.” Again, from their lips to an agent or publisher. Maybe someday I’ll take their advice and supportive words and do something more with my writing. Until then, I’ll continue scribing for you, faithful readers, people who care what I say. No matter the size, an audience is still an audience to be appreciated. 

and I do, tremendously…hugmamma.

not so easy

I’m flattered that a couple of readers have suggested I write a book. As I told them, blogging brings me instant gratification. I choose a topic of pressing interest to me, I pour everything I have into it, I click “publish”, and it’s out there for everyone to read. I’m then onto another topic of concern.

I admire authors of books. They must remain focused for whatever period of time  is required to amass enough pages to put between two covers. The commitment consumes their days, weeks, months and sometimes years. They have to sell their book to an agent, a publishing company, or self-publish to have it read. Too many middlemen come between the authors, their book and their readership.

At the beginning of 2010, I polished off 5 manuscripts of varying lengths and topics. Happily sending them along to magazines I thought might be interested, I sat awaiting their responses. The first response came from an east coast magazine that I’d hoped would run my piece. Returning it, they politely informed me that their publication was not the right medium, that I should try another that was more appropriate. In retrospect I agreed. Thereafter, it became apparent that I’d also matched my remaining pieces inappropriately.

In my haste to write and be read, I failed to fully familiarize myself with the publications, before directing articles to them for consideration. Lesson learned, I hope. Several days ago I emailed the editor of our local newspaper asking if I might write “small stories.” A more common description might have been “human interest stories.” I’ve not heard back, so I’m thinking I again “missed the mark.”

I plan to get back in the “saddle,” and once again send my writing into publications. But for now I can write as much as I want, on a topic of my choosing, and put it before you immediately. No fuss, no muss.  So once again I reiterate my appreciation for your taking the time, and allowing me to write what you are reading.

from your lips to a publisher…hugmamma.