why blog

So many have taken to blogging like me. I’m sure we all share many reasons in common for journaling on the internet. And yet I’m sure we each have additional ones that are unique, prompted by our own experiences, past, present, and future. There are fleeting moments when I’m reminded of why I blog. I thought I’d sort out my reasons here and now, rather than have them floating around, popping up willy-nilly in my head.

  • Topping the list is the fact that I’m a walking encyclopedia of life’s minutiae. Having an outlet is heaven sent for me and my family.
  • My passion for writing is satisfied.
  • The opportunity to practice writing daily is invaluable. One day I might write to be published. Never say never.
  • Bypassing the “middleman”, i.e. agent, publisher, to have my writing read is instantly gratifying.
  • Choosing subject matter without pressure from outsiders is a luxury I enjoy.
  • Being back in touch with relatives and friends after a long absence is a gift I didn’t expect. They’re becoming reacquainted with who I am at 61.
  • For those who know me, regular journaling is like a Christmas letter they can read all-year-round. It might simplify card writing during the busy holiday season, so I’ll have a head-start.
  •  It’s my hope that I can be one voice for compassion and positive energy in what is becoming a hostile, negative environment.
  • I share my experiences as a child and a parent, knowing we all struggle to do our best, given our personal “baggage” of hurts and disappointments.
  • I offer humor about my marriage, because laughter is an essential element toward its success. I know my husband agrees.
  • I pass along tips, recipes, information in the hopes they might be of help to someone.
  • It’s likely that I’ll be affected by Alzheimer’s because my mom died suffering its effects, along with other major illnesses. Until then I’d like to use the time I have left of my cognitive ability, to do what good I can. If I lighten one person’s load each day, I will have led my best life.
  • And finally, my blog will remind my daughter of who I am, when I no longer am.

live life large, in the moment…hugmamma.  

42 thoughts on “why blog

  1. You are a breath of fresh air! I am in awe with you and I am delighted to read some of your heartwarming and thought provoking blogs. You are a natural talent and I want to thank you wholeheartedly for reading some of my blogs and I am happy that you like them too. May you be surrounded by many blessings of love and light!


    • A lot of kindness to digest! I would say the same about you…a balmy, island breeze…with soul…and heart…and humanity. We are candles…bringing light to the shadows…and the dark corners…of the world. Bless you…and all you do. Let’s keep in touch… 🙂


    • Probably in a vulnerable moment, I wondered about the time and energy spent blogging, and whether or not my writing would be well received. Obviously my passion for it won out…and I continue to blog. The difference between then and now, however, is I do it when living life permits. After all, sitting at a computer all day can never…should never…replace living. 😉


  2. Hi my name is Sheila! This is my first time reading your blog, but just wanted to say I love your outlook on life, and find your writing rather inspirational. I recently started a blog of my own about life and how its always changing.
    I’m looking forward to reading more. 🙂



  3. Good Morning Hugmamma! I am hoping you see this 🙂 I received your email about my blog Under the Oaks. Nothing is happening there. I just took it private because I am no longer blogging and I didn’t want it just hanging out there. I need to make up my mind about giving it the big delete. I have not been on the computer much lately and I am just blogged out. I had a blog at Google’s Blogspot for quite some time before I started the WordPress blog. I was hoping something fresh would motivate me to get blogging again. I thought this was an appropriate place to get back to you, I didn’t have your email or see one : )

    Take care and thank you for the interest in Under the Oaks,
    Pix at the “nothing happening” Under the Oaks blog


    • So sorry to hear that you’ve stopped blogging. But I totally understand your reasons. I’ve been on a hiatus myself for a couple of months. Needed to take care of 3 kitties requiring special attention. Got them sorted out as far as medications, diets and feeding schedules. Just returned from a wonderful cruise through part of France and the British Isles. I think that experience motivated me to return to writing.

      Sometimes stepping away…can press the “refresh” button. Hope that’s what it does for you, my friend. I’ll miss your wonderful way with words and photos. But I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself first. That’s priority!

      sending huge hugs your way… 🙂


  4. Hello
    I found you after you commented on my blog and I’m so very glad that you did. Thank you for taking the time to do that.
    Your reasons for blogging are similar to my own.
    I also comment, with humour, on my marriage, partly because to write things down helps me to understand the changes that are happening at this stage in our lives.
    I love the freedom writing brings and the fact that it is through writing my blog that i have found people like you.


    • Sorry it’s taken so long for me to respond but I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus…kitty care for 3 special needs cats have thrown our family into a whirlpool of trying to figure things out…and a self-imposed break from blogging.

      Glad I’ve returned to writing…necessary, creative outlet for me. And a good one socially as well.

      So thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. I look forward to stopping by regularly to read yours as well. I’ll add you to my blogroll.

      hugs… 🙂


  5. Oh, I understand…so many of your intentions are similar to mine….especially the last 6. (and the last two in particular, but as far as I know, I don’t have family history of Alzheimers….just getting forgetful! ) It’s so nice to see some of my own motivations put into words…and to see that there are others with similar positive motivation and intent..thank you so much, kathy


  6. Thanks for leaving a note on my door. It is truly refreshing to share a thought or a picture with persons near and far. I am touched by this post about why blog. I started with a curiousity to record and share my rediscovery of nature, and now I have awoken many hobbies – gardening, photography, blogging. Now I am visiting with my online neighbours, not just passing by and waving. I hope that we will keep in touch. Look. Live. Love. Laugh. Learn. Klassi K.


    • Will definitely keep in touch. Will subscribe to your blog via rss feed. I agree that blogging satisfies a basic instinct to live life every day, and share our experiences through words and photos.

      i too love all the “L’s”…hugmamma. 😉


    • Thanks, Carlos. It’s kind of an old fashioned thing, I think. You know, etiquette, thank you-notes and such. But I seem to remember reading in one of my blogging books, yep I had to study the art of, that you should reply to all comments in order to network. So that’s something you might want to keep in mind when growing your blog. I’ll try to get to you regularly, although as I said…baseball, not so much. Who knows, maybe you’ll teach me a thing or two about the sport. That’ll shock my husband!

      appreciate your stopping by…and subscribing…hugmamma. 🙂


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