daily post challenge #216: what do i want my tombstone to read?

I’ve thought of this in moments of humor when I’ve been going back and forth with my husband…teasing one another about this and that. Here’s a sampling of inscriptions.


Herein lies a wannabee stand-up comic…who belly laughed her way into the ground.

Herein lies a wife…whose husband would’ve been a millionaire…if he hadn’t married her.

Herein lies a mom…whose dance moves were lovingly imitated by her ballerina daughter…provoking fits of hysteria in both.

Herein lies a literary woman…who rewrote Webster’s dictionary…introducing such words as moodoes (mom), hudus (something yucky), oogy (holdover from the 60s, to mean creepy, sleazy), puka-head (hole in the head).

But all kidding aside, I’d like my tombstone to read…

Herein lies a beloved wife and mom, who felt compassion for all, was a voice for positivism, and laughed all the days of her wonderful life.

have you thought what yours would say?………hugmamma.

8 thoughts on “daily post challenge #216: what do i want my tombstone to read?

  1. hugmamma….that is absolutely beautiful!!!…your words: “Herein lies a beloved wife and mom, who felt compassion for all, was a voice for positivism, and laughed all the days of her wonderful life.” mmmmmm, how lovely! : )

    I’m going to need some more time to think about what I’d like my own tombstone to say….


hugs for sharing some brief thoughts...and keeping them positive