fireworks!!!…2012!…so what’s new?

Don’t know about you, but at 12:16 a.m. on 1/1/12 it was the same old, same old at my house. Hubby’s fast asleep on the couch, glasses perched on his nose, eyes shut tight, TV remote buried under the sofa pillows, and “zzzzzzzzz’s” lining up behind one another as they spill forth from a wide-open mouth.

And where am I? Typing away at my laptop, bleary-eyed, wanting to call it quits but unable to escape the words and thoughts that hold me captive…hour after hour after hour.

These fireworks were all photoed at a local fi...

Image via Wikipedia

I stopped blogging long enough to wake my husband, planting a loud kiss on his cheek while exclaiming, mostly to myself, “We’re missing the fireworks…New Year‘s! Wake up! Wake up!” Struggling to open his eyes, he asks for his robe, shivering as the programmed thermostat begins lowering the heat in our home. Of course I oblige after switching the channel to see the firework display re-broadcasted on the late news. As I fly down the hallway to the bedroom in search of my husband’s bathrobe, I stop midway to manually turn up the heat. You can take the girl off the island…but you can’t take the island out of the girl.

Returning to my writing nook…a desk in the corner of my daughter’s former bedroom…I hear the muffled sounds of singing, music, talking, clapping, and laughter wafting down the hallway from the TV in the living room. Faint snores can be heard drifting toward me as well.

Members of three generations of a lineage are ...

Image via Wikipedia

What a pair we make…a middle-aged man who can’t keep his eyes open…and his middle-aged wife who can’t close her eyes…at 1:07 a.m. New Year’s Day. The Chinese have a saying “Whatever you’re doing when the New Year begins is what you’ll be doing the rest of the year.” Can’t disagree with my wise, old ancestors.

Throughout this next year it’s guaranteed my husband will fall asleep in front of the TV, snoring. And it’s just as certain that most nights my eyes will be blinking back sleep as my head begins to nod, while my fingers flit  across the keyboard, jiving to some silent beat…willing me to keep writing. There’s no doubt that we’re creatures of habit. Aren’t we all?

We did make one change to our New Year’s Eve routine however. But you’ll have to wait to learn what it is…

…for i’m putting my foot down…and crawling into bed…and pulling the plug on my brain…goodnight!!!

………hugmammma.  🙂  

20 thoughts on “fireworks!!!…2012!…so what’s new?

    • What a pretty picture of you! So glad our talks and laughter are continuing throughout the year…and hopefully beyond. Know that I always wish you champagne and roses, dear friend…

      …and hugs…always huge hugs…hugmamma. 😉


  1. Oh Hugmamma! Funny! Just the opposite here. But only about the sleeping. I am out out out usually by 8 but them up at 2 or 3 in the morning reading blogs. I try not to disturb anyone at their blogs till 5am 🙂 Every little thing else you say I can so relate. I have so many words to say that I can’t even get a post up because I don’t know where to start. And I have procrastination bad. I would really rather read and comment than post at my own blog. Goodness!


    • Can we team up? You prefer to read and comment on others’ blogs; while I spend hours writing. There’s not enough time in the day I find to do both…although I’d love to extend the hours in the day to do just that…and do everythingelse I should do, like housecleaning, cooking, shopping, appointments, tending to the pets, exercising, being careful of my back strain.

      if we could manage to team up…we might become the most prolific, efficient blog on wordpress…well, we can dream… 🙂


  2. About the Chinese saying: “Whatever you’re doing when the New Year begins is what you’ll be doing the rest of the year.” I hoped for years that would be true and set about have a do-nothing (cooking, cleaning, etc.) day on New Year’s only to discover, sadly, that, yes, I did have to do that the whole year thru.
    Look forward to your blogs. Happy New Year!


    • You know I did that for a while too, without success. Knowing the Chinese as I do, being half-Chinese myself, I couldn’t conceive that doing nothing is something they’d condone. Better to do something they’re more likely to support…like having noodles and roast duck with family and friends…drinking a little plum wine…gossiping about neighbors…counting wads of yen. I jest, of course…at least I think.

      whatever…just enjoy the in-between moments of respite…if you can find any…happy new year right back at you! 🙂


  3. Pingback: #3. Wake me up in if you want to « melbaylon

  4. Funny how we all listened to and follow the same Chinese saying, I’ve been hearing that ever since I was a child in Panama. To this day, I make sure the New Year finds me awake, with the hubby or at a party with friends, enjoying a glass of wine,12 grapes and some light food for good luck and prosperity for the new year ahead.


    • The Chinese get around. You must’ve noticed by now…with a restaurant on every corner…almost like Starbuck’s. Since you’ve lived with their wisdom for years, you are way ahead of the game. So every year must be harmonious in your household…a party…a glass of wine…12 grapes…light food. Aaahhh…the life of the gods… I think I’ll take a lesson from you, Marcia. You’ve got the routine down to a science. 😉


  5. You guys sound just like us. Me wide awake at night and my husband falling asleep in his chair.

    The fireworks around here sounded more like bombs, I was beginning to get worried.


    • Who are you…and where are you? Fireworks sounding like bombs…hmmm…where, where, where? If you’re like the rest of us…you can’t remain “anonymous.” Pretty please? 😉


  6. re getting the badge on your blog: i think this will work: Go to my blog on the candle lighter award page. Right click on the image that has candle lighter award on the candle. then click on copy image. then go to your dashboard. then click on appearance. then click on widgets. pull a widget over to your sidebar. click the pulldown. then I THINK do a control-V on the image url. then save. then close. i think that is how i did it. i’m a newbie at it too… let me know if it worked or not.


    • Sorry…didn’t work. Am asking Nancy for her expert help. She always helps me through the technical maze. Even my hubby can’t understand how to make sense of WordPress applications…and he’s pretty patient and loves solving problems. Not me. I’m as impatient as a humming bird trying to gather all the nectar it can…before having to alight from sheer exhaustion. I’d never make it as a humming bird by the way. I’d be dead from the get go.


  7. I like the Chinese proverb – I was in a comfortable chair with my husband on one side of me and my daughter on the other. Little Arthur was asleep on the bed in my room. I had a nice refreshing glass of water and a sip of a delicious sweet white wine. I was warm, comfortable and well-fed. What more could I ask for?

    Happy New Year!


  8. Hi! I totally agree with the Chinese saying, “Whatever you’re doing when the New Year begins is what you’ll be doing the rest of the year.”

    I hope it was true because it was an evening full of peace for me. Happy New Years!



    • I’m certain you’ll find peace for yourself…if that is what you wish for 2012. We can all find it within ourselves…if we are still and listen to our soul’s voice…instead of trying to satisfy our ego’s voice to be and do everything…others demand of us…for approval. We can find peace…if we approve of ourselves. 😉

      hugs…always…hugmamma. 🙂


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