friday fictioneers: “rich man, poor man…”

Copyright - Björn Rudberg

“Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, 

doctor, lawyer, Indian chief.”

I remember repeating those words as a child, growing up in an elite suburb.

As a teen I drove a BMW, wore designer duds, and dined at celebrity eateries.

So what happened?

I married a Harvard grad with the right credentials…money, looks, brains, and a Wall Street job.

We lived luxuriously…homes, cars, a private plane, a yacht.

Living among the rich and famous, we were of another world.

And then the CRASH!

Now I’m  a Tent City dweller…”back in the hood.”

I won’t be knocking on doors anytime soon.


52 thoughts on “friday fictioneers: “rich man, poor man…”

    • I guess it depends upon one’s morals. Given the right set of values, I think an individual could pull themselves up by the bootstraps. How many times before becoming utterly discouraged, I’m not sure. I would imagine if luck is altogether missing from the equation, a person would eventually become discouraged. Perhaps setting one’s material expectations a little lower would help tremendously. Again, I think it comes back to one’s values. As for the lazy, well, I have to wonder how a person becomes lazy. Is it from being handed everything on a silver platter? Or is it from being told one is a simpleton time and time again. I think I’ve met both kinds in my lifetime. Where lies the fault? I couldn’t say, not having walked that path. hugs for the thought-provoking comment.


    • Humans being what we are, we usually find a way to survive and go on. The quality of life thereafter, however, depends upon many variables, not the least of which is our attitude, skill sets, and whether or not we run into a change of luck. hugs for the comment…


    • The haves and have nots…and bridging the gap between…will always be a social problem. I’ not sure it will ever be resolved. Certainly not to everyone’s satisfaction. But we should continue the effort. hugs, Rochelle for giving us this platform.


    • Not sure if you meant this comment for me or another Friday Fictioneer named Nan. I’m sure she’d appreciate it if you wanted to redirect it. And you entered it twice…Nan would be doubly grateful, I’m sure.


  1. This brings so many thoughts to mind, foremost among which is that these days it’s all to easy for this to happen, even to those who have taken care, worked, saved, etc. Anyone in a position to help others should and I’m thankful for churches and other institutions that do so. When I read about people spending insane amounts of money on art/cars/boats/whatever, while I completely believe it’s their right to do what they like with their money, I think how far it might go to help others, directly or by creating a job or funding a group that helps others. And finally, we should always be thankful for what we have.



    • Thank you for speaking out on this. I welcome other voices drawing attention to the inane desire for material wealth that could be extinguished in a flash. Better we all focus upon the wealth of a few being spread more equally among the masses. Capitalism gone amok…


      • The problem is, I don’t believe wealth should be forcibly taken, through taxes or other means, in disproportionate amounts from the wealthy. Quite a few wealthy people have earned their wealth and it’s not always their “fault”, if you will, that their jobs have paid crazy amounts of money. People with money often create jobs, too. To be wealthy isn’t to be bad. But I do believe if you’re blessed with wealth, you should try to do good things with it and help others, preferably in ways that help them advance and live well on their own.

        When the government gets involved with trying to redistribute wealth, there are always problems. Even in countries that take from the rich and give to the poor, there is a strata of wealthy–those who take and give back little or nothing.

        It’s a very difficult situation!


        • Well put. It is a difficult problem whose resolution ultimately lies with individuals. No one knows another’s circumstances, nor what lies within one’s heart and mind. I do feel, however, that government should lead the way. Perhaps not shoulder the entire burden of helping the less fortunate, but at least encourage our moral compass to point in the right direction. Leaving it up to individuals to help those in need would more than likely fall short of the mark. I don’t believe in the “trickle down” effect that some condone. However, we’re all entitled to our own opinions. hugs for expressing yours on a positive, non-inflammatory note…


          • The problem with government leading the way is that everything they do is with others’ money. And as far as moral compass, a government’s moral compass is only as moral as those who lead. I’m not saying the government should do nothing. I’d like to see them encourage others to help their fellow people by making it easier, giving tax breaks (or keep breaks for charitable contributions), supporting those trying to create jobs rather than making it more difficult to be a business owner and so forth. Government can’t create jobs and that’s what’s ultimately needed, so that people can work and make their own living. Love the discussion. Thanks for being part of it. 🙂


            • Again, good info. There are always two sides to every issue, and it always depends upon where one is coming from. My mom was a widowed, single mom at the age of 30 raising 9 children. I was the youngest, and lived with her the longest. I saw her suffer the effects of poverty until she died at 86 with heart disease, arthritis, and dementia. I wished she’d had more financial help. She was the youngest of 14. I never knew my grandparents, on either side. I’ve lived a better life, but have never forgotten from whence I came. We all do what we do, because we feel we must…whatever the action we take.


    • One would hope that the rich realize that their wealth could all go away one day, and that they might want to help the “little people” knowing that…there but for the grace of God.


  2. A fiction that is a true story to some. A vivid reminder that in one instant our life can change. Your reminds us that when we are at the top, we need to look back and help others reach the top too. When things gets bad, someone will look back too and extend a hand. Great post.


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