fire extinguisher 101

1905 advertisement illustration showing woman ...

1905 advertisement illustration showing woman using fire extinguisher. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Quick lesson on the use of a home fire extinguisher gratis World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer.

According to the report, many homeowners have fire extinguishers. I’m one of those. Unfortunately, not many know how to use them. I’m one of those too.

The good news, if there is any when you’re in the midst of a home fire, is the following. Useful instructions provided by a fireman interviewed for the ABC nightly segment.

Remember to………P.A.S.S.

  • PULL the clip.
  • AIM the fire extinguisher.
  • SPRAY the chemical ingredients.
  • SIDE to SIDE sweeping movement.

 The report went on to say that using a fire extinguisher is fine if the fire is still in its infancy. However, if it is full blown…GET OUT…FAST!!!

If you’re like me, you’ll print a copy of this and post it near the stove…and anywherelse you think a fire might start.

…my memory’s…not what it use to be…

………hugmamma.   😆