serving up…lemonade

When life serves up lemons…it’s time to make lemonade.

Bitter Lemons

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve had what feels like a wagon load of lemons dumped in my lap recently, with news from John Burke of WordPress advising me that I’m with, not Without signing on the dotted line, without paying dearly for the privilege someone on the WordPress staff honored me with my own independent website. Not sure how or why it happened. I just found out myself.

It’s reminiscent of the time, about a year ago, when I was spammed from leaving comments on other WordPress blogs. WordPress support told me they didn’t know anything about it, that I’d have to check with Akismet. To say I was frustrated was putting it mildly. The final straw was when they suspended my blog saying I was advertising which was against regulations. Wow! That was like a blow to the gut.

I began gathering my belongings, so to speak, to exit WordPress. My dear hubby wrote to WordPress saying my blog would be missed. That seemed to get the right person’s attention because I got an email apologizing for the mistakes. My blog was reinstated.

I found out later that WordPress had been badly hacked. It seemed my blog got caught in the cross-hairs as they were attempting to fix the mess.

So what is it this time? God bless these “happiness engineers” who come up with the latest and the best on WordPress. Just when I’ve settled into a comfortable routine, they up and change things. I know they’re trying to help this 62-year-old grow new brain cells in an effort to ward off Alzheimer’s. Too much stress, however, can counter their best-laid plans.

So I guess I’ll just keep puttering and see what other lemons are in store. Meanwhile…


………hugmamma.  🙂

aol and wordpress…failure to communicate

WordPress Logo

Image via Wikipedia

Have been in touch with WordPress Support Staff who tell me that the problem has been resolved for some bloggers. Unfortunately I’m not one of the lucky ones.

macmanx wrote:

It looks like the fix only worked for a few folks. We’re still looking into

Read this post on the forums:

Not sure if the issue originates with AOL, my web server, or WordPress. Other Internet servers are not experiencing this communication hiccough…as far as I know. Facebook readers continue to read my posts, as do visitors from within the WordPress community. So too do those from Stumbleupon.

designsimply wrote:

Thanks for reporting this. We’re looking into what may be causing the trouble
and we are working to get it fixed. It’s not spam. It does seem to be limited to
AOL or even Internet Explorer users.
Please also see

As an AOL subscriber, I can’t even read messages from WordPress. The messages arrive in my email, only to show nothing when they’re opened. I’ve been getting lots of blank email messages in the last couple of days. They are constant reminders that there’s a problem. Very frustrating, especially when I’ve no control whatsoever. How and why the glitch occurred is a mystery to me. It seems to be something of a mystery to WordPress Support as well. They’re still scratching their heads for an answer.

Image representing AOL as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

AOL subscribers won’t be able to read this, obviously. If they’re not Facebook users or Google searchers then they’re left out in the cold.  


Not a comfortable place to be, nor one to which I would want them subjected. But until WordPress Support figures things out, I’ve no suggestion for those affected. I can only hope that they’ll chill in other wonderful ways…

until hugmamma’s mind, body, and soul…returns for their reading pleasure…
